My life is made possible and more satisfying by various types of support. Foundational supports include a place to call home, an occupation I love, my family and my faith. Mechanical supports come in many forms; two of which are my alarm clock and coffee maker, helping me to wake up and tackle the day. My vehicle is a major mechanical support as I run the kids to school and activities and head to and from the office. Emotional supports come in the form of my husband as he loves me and partners with me to manage our home and our children. My parents provide emotional support by watching the kids when I am in a bind or just need a break. And my children provide me with hugs, cuddles and verbal affection. Monetary supports certainly help me to live with a sense of security. We are able to pay our bills and can afford to enjoy several forms of family entertainment each year. Spiritual supports are integral in my life. They come in the form of my pastor, my church family, my worship team and my relationship with Jesus. Occupational support exists within the local team of early childhood professionals in whom I trust and collaborate with. Last, but certainly not least is my academic support. The structure of supports at Walden have allowed me to excel in my program; reaching my full potential as a student and professional in the field. My peers at Walden have been an invaluable source of expertise and wisdom as we tackle the various aspects of early childhood.
Without such supports, I could survive, but my contentment and enjoyment would be seriously impacted. Loss of foundational, mechanical, monetary and academic support would be a source of frustration and hardship, while loss of emotional support would be devastating. Spiritual support could be damaged with loss of church family but nothing can separate me from my relationship with Christ.
I chose to imagine a full time job of quality assessment specialist. It is a position that may become a reality for me and one that I have some anxiety over being able to tackle with my schooling and managing a family of 6. I have been fortunate thus far in my schooling to be working only minimal hours. Although it has been very difficult financially, I have been able to fully tackle my schooling without regret.
Supports I would need to have in place for this to be a reality are mainly in home management. I would need everyone to step up and take added responsibility for our home. I would need to simplify the bedrooms to make it more manageable; getting rid of a portion of the toys and clothes. My husband already offers incredible support around our home and fully supports my academic endeavors. If I had a full-time position, I would again be able to afford someone to come in and clean on a weekly basis. That would be an incredible support to me both practically and emotionally. For my own sanity, I’ll need to use my self-supports and maintain good boundaries during this time of schooling; not taking on additional responsibilities.