Monday, November 7, 2011

I love how this little masterpiece shows my daughter's emerging skills in writing. The mix of capital and lower case letters and her signature flower and heart. Once she learned how to make them, they showed up on the back of every paper she did in kindergarten.


  1. Hello Tammra,
    I love it! I have to say that you are my inspiration as it pertains to "blogging!" When I saw your page, it made me even more nervous, but I did it. The thought of creating a blog has always been intimidating for thank you for the unspoken encouragement (smile) are the greatest. I look forward to traveling with you on this educational journey.

  2. Love the picture so cute!!!!! Can't wait until my son start school and to see how much he will progress. I still have 2 more years until he starts. Thanks for the encouragement on the blogging thing. Still don't get. Now tell me how do I become a follower.

  3. Felecia, looks like you figured out the membership this morning. Welcome!

  4. I'm trying too. Trial and error.
