Friday, June 8, 2012

Sharing Web Resources...

Membership is an area of the Early Education website I had not yet investigated Early Education has been in the business of supporting early care and education professionals for 90 years.  Individual and group are the two types of membership available to professionals. Early Education members receive an Early Education journal, published 3 times a year and  e-news email briefings providing summaries and announcements from the field. Members also have access to a national branch network and Special Interest Groups. Members are entitled to significantly reduced rates to attend courses on the training and professional development program, conferences and seminars. There is even an option to purchase a lifetime membership.

There are no specific elements of the site that deal with equity or excellence aside from training opportunities regarding quality and developmentally appropriate practice. Every child deserves an early education experience like this.


  1. I agree that each child deserves quality education. From a teacher's perspective, I see the huge benefit of receiving support and access to networks that will provide learning opportunities.

  2. Lifetime membership, I will have to check this site out some more and explore the benefits! Especially if a good price, it would prove helpful. Thank you for sharing!

  3. I have to agree! A lifetime membership is the way to go. I also like how there are professional development opportunities. Thanks for sharing this information. I am going to look into that.

  4. I am wondering if there are no links to equity and access as that is something that each child in the UK is already entitled to? I also like the idea of a lifetime membership, that would be a great way to educators to continue their professional development without breaking the bank!

