Thursday, March 8, 2012

Relationship Reflection

Relationships are essential to a happy life. There are different levels of relationship with close friends being at the top. At this level, there is a boundary that I do not choose to cross with very many. It is a place of trust; where I can be vulnerable without fear of judgment or condemnation. A close friend has your back when you are not even aware of it. They know your faults, and still choose to hang close. These friends are a true gift in this world.  I don’t believe one has to have very many of these. My husband is my closest friend and partner as we share life, love and parenting responsibilities for our 5 children. Most of my time is spent nurturing this relationship; listening to him, looking for ways to bless him and making our home a safe place. There are a few others who fall into this category by virtue of being close family members. My Mom and Dad would certainly be listed here. I have one friend that I keep on this list. She has known me for most of my adult life, is aware of my great failures and loves me despite them. Our friendship is easily maintained as we keep up with each other on Facebook and enjoy an occasional visit between our families.  It is a sweatshirt and jeans relationship; comfortable and safe. To make this even sweeter, my husband considers her husband his close friend as well.

 At the next level are acquaintances. I have many of these. There are various levels of closeness within the acquaintance category, but none of them ever truly cross that boundary line. Some acquaintances make great partners in work initiatives and community projects. These are typically trustworthy friends who have proven themselves committed to a common cause. My good friend in early childhood and my friends from church and worship team fall into this category. Some will be trusted with certain portions of my life and family, but the ultimate boundary remains intact. I have come to understand that I am quite introverted. I like to be home in the safety of family. I do not seek many social engagements. This may be viewed as a challenge but I am quite comfortable in my own skin. I am able to communicate effectively and with empathy without becoming emotionally attached. I am transparent about some of my own struggles in parenting children with learning difficulties.  I listen carefully, connecting people to information or services while maintaining my professional role.  I see having solid boundaries an asset in working with families.


  1. Tammra,
    Nice post! I agree with you that there are different levels of relationships. There are many ways to grow relationships into partnerships. You referred to two different levels of partnerships: one with you husband or another with connecting with families. You also mentioned listening carefully, which is an important part of partnerships.

    1. I enjoyed reading your post and agree too that there are different levels of relationships. I should level my relationships this way. I tend to be too friendly, when I should set boundaries. I am learning as I go. Thank you for the blog post, very interesting when you mentioned boundaries when working with families.

  2. Hi Tammra,

    I enjoy reading your post. The way you categorize your relationships with different levels has inspired me. When I think of my relationships, I do separate them into different groups but never was as clear as the way you did. Thank you for sharing the wonderful ideas with us.

    Karie Lufei

  3. Great post! I also agree that there are different levels of relationships.You are very lucky to have a close relationship with your husband and appreciate it. I know so many people that are going through difficult times or divorces It makes me sad to see. learned my lesson about close friends over the past several months.I to agree that they see you for who you, your faults, and your positive attributes and will stand-by you no matter what.They are a true gift and need to be treasured.
