Friday, May 4, 2012

Global Connections...

Alec Duncan

I began my search for global connections on Facebook! Jeff Johnson of Explorations Early Learning, LLC graciously helped me out with connections in both Ireland and Australia. He even made the initial contact for me. Thanks Jeff! I look forward to connecting with these two ladies. I also followed my passion for musical instruments and adventurous outdoor play spaces to find Alec Duncan of Child’s Play Music. As it turns out, he is also from Australia. We have already shared several rich email conversations about the state of early childhood in our respective regions. As it turns out, Australia has been through many of the growing pains that we are just now tackling in Michigan and other states around the country with regard to a quality rating system. It’s like a peek into our own future! I tried for connections in both the United Kingdom and Germany but haven’t heard back thus far. I actually had to use Google translate to investigate the website of a preschool program in Germany. Technology is amazing!

The website I chose to investigate belongs to the British Association for Early Childhood Education. Their ethical statement portrays the priority they place on early care and education:
Early Education believes every child deserves the best possible start in life and support to fulfill their potential.  A child’s experience in the early years has a major impact on their future life chances.  A secure, safe and happy childhood is important in its own right, and provides the foundation for children to make the most of their own abilities and talents as they grow up.
Areas covered within the site include: News and events, membership, publications and resources, policy, projects and campaigns, and training opportunities. I was drawn to this website as it was easy to navigate and had easily identified areas of interest. Over a dozen publications for free download on a variety of early childhood topics are available for caregivers, teachers and parents.


  1. Hello Tammra,
    Now facebook is the way to go. I tried that way as well but for some reason I am having absolutely no luck. I think I am too anxious. I am looking forward to learning and communicating with individuals from other countries.

    The ethical statement sums it all up. The early years play an important role for the remaining years to come.
    This is off the topic a little but this program here at Walden constantly reminds me of how important it is to be a great parent. I love these classes.

    Good luck with your contacts.

  2. I too connected through Facebook and found a HUGE response. It was fantastic!

    I'm looking forward to your musical love and how it will be incorporated into the issues and trends within our field Technology is amazing in assisting with language barriers. One of my contacts speaks Spanish only, although I have spent many years learning the language, lack of using it has caused me to search and look up a few words while communicating with them. I'm having a great time communicating with them though!

  3. I too connected with facebook and found a quick response and huge amount of it! I'm looking forward to hearing how your love of music will be incorporated into the issues and trends within our field!

  4. Your post has really helped me out. I am going to try establishing connections through facebook. Im sure I would have more feedback from there. Its great that you are finding contacts that share the same interest as you. Good Luck!

  5. Hey Tammra, Congratulations on your contacts! Guess I had better take a look through my Facebook account. I'll let you know how it goes! Nice post!
